A Supervision Specific Hub Created by a Supervision Enthusiast.

A supervision specific hub created by a supervision enthusiast

Hey folks, my name is Dr. Mish and I’m thrilled that you’re joining me on a journey through the wonderful world of supervision. I created this space for aspiring supervisors and for practising clinical supervisors because I wasn’t sure what was out there that was entirely specific for supervision. So, the Supervision Institute is for you if you want information, resources, professional development, support and a place where would-be and current supervisors would be able to connect with each other as well. All of this, of course, is work in progress, so do bear with me whilst I get my dream up and running.

When I say I’m a supervision enthusiast I’ll put it into a bit of context for you, I always knew that supervision was something that I was fascinated with and had been really curious about it all for about 17 years. I realised that I was leaning towards going back to study, and in 2017 I began my doctorate in counselling and psychotherapy. For my doctorate I completed a piece of research on supervisee self-care in clinical supervision. Of course. throughout the four years of studying for it I’ve immersed myself in this wonderful world, and it’s become really clear to me that there’s so much that we don’t know about supervision, how it’s changing and what aspects we need to keep an eye on supervision practice for it to be relevant and useful for practitioners of today.

So, I hope to bring lots of useful information to you all. I’d be delighted to hear your thoughts about areas of supervision that you’re interested in, or remain curious about, or things that you think would be useful to be covered. I’m also on the lookout for supervisors who want to be guests on my podcast, so do give me a shout or leave a comment below. The brand-new episode of my new podcast will be launched next week! The first episode is about me and my journey with supervision.

I’m hoping to evolve the Supervision Institute as I go, so let me know what you’d like to see.

That’s it for now. Thanks for reading! Oh, and don’t forget to check out the Supervision Circle.


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Get information, support and resources specifically designed for clinical supervisors.

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