Being a supervisee

How do we know what to do when we are being supervised? My new podcast episode looks at this very thing and is coming out today!

When I was recording this episode it really took me back to my first experiences of sitting in the supervisee chair and not really having a clue about what I was doing there! Thankfully, it was explained by my wonderful supervisor. But I can’t help thinking that there are potent assumptions made around supervisees knowledge about supervision, how to prepare for it and what they feel is ‘acceptable to bring’. I found this topic really interesting to have a think about my own experiences of being a supervisee and it brought up memories of a mixture of experiences It can be really difficult to know what is expected of you and how best to approach supervision, so that you are getting the most out of the space.

My experience of being a supervisee has been really mixed, I’ve had some great expereinces and some

In the episode I highlight a fantastic book that I think is an essential bit of reading for those coming into supervision and it helps t illustrate my thinking around being a supervisee. I actually think it’s not an easy thing to navigate, particularly when you’re first sat in the supervisee chair, it can be a real challenge to know how to prepare for supervision and what is ok to bring for discussion.

The episode is out today. Look out for it!


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Being a supervisee

How do we know what to do when we are being supervised? My new podcast episode looks at this very thing and is coming out

Dr Mish, founder of the Supervision Institute


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